Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fengcheng main variable turbocharger retail industry faces difficulties

As one of today's automotive industry, a sign of energy-saving technologies, supercharged, turbocharged, especially in the commercial vehicle has become a widely used technology. In the passenger area to the main car manufacturers Volkswagen, the ratio Turbo is also rising. In the best-selling models in North America, GM Chevrolet Cruz for example, in all of its models sold turbo models accounted for 80%.
Reporters opened NDRC "Guiding Catalogue of Industrial Structure adjustment (2011 version)," encouraged industries in the automotive sector in the first key auto parts, gasoline turbocharger that out of them. Audi Turbo, Yuan Yu and told reporters that the 1980s are still discussing the development of the car when in the end is the first or the first development of the road, in the eight kinds of key parts of the engine, the supercharger on the arrangement of which, and is ranked in the first bits.
So, by the turbocharger never had to use drawings trial out of the first products, including the later first Steyr engine turbochargers are Fengcheng lead produced. Arguably the most productive Fengcheng should turbocharger technology background, why then has happened to others individual enterprises counterfeit brand phenomenon? The cause of the problem is actually caused by even talking about the collapse of the turbocharger from the east.
Since the dissolution of the East turbocharger production is relatively suddenly clear, and clearly over the age of 45 employees in the first to be laid off severance policy in all, this policy led directly to the rapid loss of a large number of skilled workers and technical backbone and Oriental supercharger, Yuan jade and also had six years to go through the early retirement.
Collapse and disappear, performance parts, the original by a large number of people in Fengcheng booster dinner suddenly became unemployed. In order to find their way out, formerly turbocharger industry personnel in a variety of ways to pick up the supercharger Fengcheng this bowl, dry parts, assembly machine, in the absence of capital investment, a a stem from a workshop-style living, Fengcheng turbocharger industry has thus maintain and continue. Conventional turbocharger production of the main force, has gradually become a "retail" based production pattern.
Yuan Yu and admitted to reporters that this "spread" type of production the situation is difficult to form a comprehensive OEM turbocharger technology and core competencies, thus it is difficult to bring the relevant parts manufacturers to enhance the technical capacity and, renault turbo, therefore, So far the formation of Fengcheng turbocharger and related parts production is great, but in the whole field of turbocharger engine OEMs supporting almost no manufacturers, are based primarily aftermarket maintenance market.
Indeed, in an interview with reporters Phoenix City Technology Bureau learned that, although the country in Fengcheng turbocharger industry has the absolute overall size and strength, but the ability to innovate is low, less brand products, market less competitive, lower value-added products and more market-oriented industry sales maintenance forms, has been plagued by continuous development Fengcheng turbocharger industry, which is why the establishment of the main causes of "Alliance"

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